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Old 02-11-2019, 04:57 PM   #4
Join Date: Apr 2005
NEWS ANCHOR : … and whilst the hamster remains at large, police are urging residents to remain alert. And that's the news on Monday January 27th.

IDENT : WCTZ Carolina, 873 AM, the first station on your dial for Sports Talk Radio in Charlotte. Drivetime with Kenny and The Bear.

THE BEAR : Hello good people of the Carolinas, this is Kenny.

KENNY : Hello.

THE BEAR : And I am the Bear. Today's top story … can anyone beat the 49ers? After a dominant season Joe Montana and the Niners capped it off with a 38-28 SuperBowl victory over the Denver Broncos in SuperBowl XX.

KENNY : It was another snoozer, though, Bear.

THE BEAR : It was indeed, not much doubt about the result, it seems that America's Biggest Game is destined never to be America's Best Game.

KENNY : The adverts were, yet again, the highlight.

THE BEAR : That being said, watching Bill Walsh craft another master gameplan to complete a perfect season must have held some interest?

KENNY : Jerry Rice, Joe Montana, Dwight Clark, these guys are all just products of a system, but the man behind the system - he is the genius.

THE BEAR : That is two SuperBowl's in succession, they have lost just five games in the last three seasons, whilst winning 51, and they have three of the last five SuperBowls.

KENNY : Team. Of. The. Eighties.

THE BEAR : Is it too early to say that?

KENNY : No, I just said it. We have 5 more seasons in the 80s and no one is going to come close to them. I promise you.

THE BEAR : In this new era of free agency, that is a big claim. I mean we don't know what difference that will make.

KENNY : I doubt free agency is going to make a big difference. I expect the owners will find ways to keep player contracts down. It's in each of their interests, and the players will be the losers.

THE BEAR : Maybe that's another show, but lets look back at the Niners run to the title. After going unbeaten in the regular season, they beat Green Bay to set up an NFC title game with Philadelphia.

KENNY : Buddy Ryan and the Eagles.

THE BEAR : The Eagles Head Coach who of course dramatically walked out on the Chicago Bears last February.

KENNY : That got ugly in a hurry, didn't it. Ryan and his defense got in to a, er, celebratory mood on the flight back home to Chicago after the last NFC Championship Game. Ditka objected - he wanted everyone to be sullen like he is, but Ryan wouldn't be quiet. Eventually Buddy wouldn't stand it any longer and in front of the whole team he calls out the offense for failing to score.

THE BEAR : What was the quote? "We have a defense filled with legends and an offense who need a map to find the end zone."

KENNY : Ditka fired him on the spot.

THE BEAR : Buddy says he quit.

KENNY : There was no coming back from that one, and the whole team imploded.

THE BEAR : Buddy gets a job with the Eagles, they go 13-3 and face the 49ers again. And at 31-23 close to the end of the third quarter it appeared Buddy was going to lost out yet again.

KENNY : Look out, here comes Jaws.

THE BEAR : Ron Jaworski, the Eagles QB wasn't done and he tied the game with a touchdown and two point conversion as the quarter ended. Defense's then dominated, and after two consecutive sacks deep in their own territory, Jaworski was stopped in the end zone by Jeff Stover for a two-point safety.

KENNY : Buddy Ryan looked ready to cut Leonard Mitchell on the spot for missing his blocking assignments on two crucial plays, back to back.

THE BEAR : The Niners saw out the game, setting up a final with the Broncos.

KENNY : The Colts made them work for it, though. 10-9 going in to the final quarter, but the Broncos defense stepped up to the task and held Schlichter to just 6 plays in the final quarter.

THE BEAR : The SuperBowl was a blowout though, the Niners took a 21-7 lead early, and Montana sealed MVP yet again with 276 yards passing, 4 touchdowns and no interceptions.

KENNY : Perhaps the most dominant back-to-back pair of seasons in NFL history.

THE BEAR : So, our question, listeners, is can anyone stop them?

KENNY : Yes, of course they can.

THE BEAR : Really, is this not a dynasty in the making? They could play at this level for another five years.

KENNY : I'm not saying they are going to be a bad team in years to come. I'm just saying that you still have to have a lot of luck, avoid injuries, get good calls from the officials and avoid hot teams in the playoffs to have continued success, year after year. They won't always get that luck.

THE BEAR : Who is going to stop them? Philadelphia?

KENNY : Maybe, although they are going to need to find a young quarterback soon.

THE BEAR : The Giants?

KENNY : You know I don't like the Giants. They will be nothing more than first round playoff casualties.

THE BEAR : Surely no one in their division?

KENNY : No, no, not Arizona, Seattle or Los Angeles. That's 5 or 6 wins a year guaranteed.

THE BEAR : Then who?

KENNY : New Orleans maybe?

THE BEAR : New Orleans? One winning season in their entire history, and you think they are going to topple the team of the Eighties?

KENNY : I don't know. I was running out of teams and I didn't want to say the Cowboys.

THE BEAR : You know Bum Phillips left and his son too, in spite of making the playoffs.

KENNY : OK, OK - the Redskins?

THE BEAR : Do they have a quarterback?

KENNY : OK, so the NFC doesn't look that good. All good teams, but not elite, you are right.

THE BEAR : Now we are talking, though. The AFC is filled with teams who are dangerous.

KENNY : Lots of teams were in the hunt for the final playoff spots. You've got the kid Marino at Miami, Eason at New England, O'Brien at New Jersey and Kelly at Buffalo now. Four gunslingers all in one division. I really like what Kelly could do if you could put a team around him. And the rookie Bruce Smith.

THE BEAR : First pick in the draft last year.

KENNY : Yes, he is really very good. He makes quarterbacks and half-backs disappear with those long arms and terrific release from the line.

THE BEAR : OK, and we both like Denver in spite of this last defeat.

KENNY : And then the North is going to give you a tough game, with the Steelers, Browns and Bengals.

THE BEAR : But do you know who I like?

KENNY : Not Oakland?

THE BEAR : No. Tennessee.

KENNY : Tenneseee!!! 6-10 Tennessee!!!

THE BEAR : Yes, this new Head Coach, Jerry Glanville, he's exciting. Warren Moon.

KENNY : They guy from Canada?

THE BEAR : Yes, he has got an amazing arm, he just needs someone to catch that ball and I think they could have a dominant team.

KENNY : Just how late were you up celebrating the game last night? Because you seem to be delirious.

THE BEAR : OK, then, give me one team of your own. Five more years in the eighties, give me the name of a team that will make the playoffs every year, maybe two or three division titles and then reach the SuperBowl.

KENNY : Well, I'm going to go back to the East.

THE BEAR : Marino, you're going with Marino?

KENNY : No, no I'm not. Tony Eason and the Patriots will bring a dynasty to New England. He will become known as the greatest quarterback in history. They will play in Tony Eason Stadium in years to come.

THE BEAR : For real? Eason?

KENNY : It's a dead cert.

THE BEAR : I don't see the Patriots ever making a SuperBowl, let alone winning enough for a dynasty. The pressure is too much up there from the Boston sports fans. You have to be Larry Bird to survive.

KENNY : Raymond Berry - Hall of Fame Head Coach. I see it now.

THE BEAR : I honestly believe that Carolina will win a Championship before New England does.

KENNY : Really? The Panthers? You heard what they did with their first round draft pick this week, right?

THE BEAR : Yes, smart move.

KENNY : Smart move? They have the second pick in the NFL Draft, a chance to bring in a genuine star to right this ship … and they trade it to Chicago!

THE BEAR : Yes they did, and what they got in return …

KENNY : What they got in return was not a star …

THE BEAR : Well I heard that they were trying to get a deal sorted for Richard Dent, but the Bears didn't want to lose cap space, whatever that means.

KENNY : Something to do with his long-term contract and bonus money the Bears would have to eat.

THE BEAR : Right, so the Panthers knew the Bears wanted to get up the draft so they swapped first round picks this year and took the Bears first round pick next year.

KENNY : Next year! We will be 0-16 and the Bears will be 13-3 and our second round pick will be mighty close to this extra pick we get. Is that worth trading down five spots this year.

THE BEAR : I heard the Panthers may not be done at that. They've said if they can stockpile other picks in later drafts they would be happy to switch out of 7th place too.

KENNY : They are going to miss out on my boy Jim Everett, and when he goes in to the Hall of Fame they will be very sorry indeed.

THE BEAR : We'll be back after these messages.
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