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Old 02-27-2019, 06:17 AM   #1112
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Northern Suburbs of ATL
General Update - Bear & Bailey

I mentioned previously that Bear wasn't feeling well the other day. It ends up he's just got a cold. He missed a couple of practices, and he's still far from 100% but at least it hasn't crippled his preparations for Sectionals.

Bailey on the other hand ended up getting an infected lymph node in her neck. Which is causing her a considerable amount of pain, especially when she has to turn her head to breath. She came home early from practice yesterday, and now she is running a fever. She's going to miss several days of practice as well. Though she is qualified to swim at Sectionals she has decided to skip that event and participate in the March Madness swim a week later, because she'll be able to swim more events and she's hoping to earn more Sectional cuts. I'm hoping that extra week will enable her to get over this sickness and swim well when the time comes.
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