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Old 03-25-2019, 08:50 AM   #16371
Team Chaplain
Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: Just outside Des Moines, IA
Originally Posted by Atocep View Post
If Trump wins in 2020 it's Dems fault.

Yes, it would be.

There are 33% of Americans who love Trump, voted for him in 2016, and would vote again in 2020. But there are roughly another 15-20% of Americans who held their nose and voted for him, because the Dems offered up Hillary Clinton. That's how we got 2016.

That same 15-20%, however, is looking at the Dems now making concessions to far leftists and outright socialists, with the possibility such a character may even win the nomination.

If the Dems can't be a convincing a center-left party, and if they put up a far-left candidate, that same 15-20% who couldn't stand Hillary will be flat out scared of the 2020 D candidate. (This is, of course, the inherent problem with a 2-party system - I may hate one candidate, but the other one is worse, so I'll vote for the guy I hate least). They'll vote Trump just out of fear that the AOCs or Bernies of the world would actually take over.
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