Thread: 2019 MLB Thread
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Old 04-04-2019, 11:48 AM   #152
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Green Bay, WI
Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA View Post

Acuna was making 560,000 this season, and was under contract through 2023. The new contract begins now, with an average value north of $12.5m annually.

And he's getting paid $1m per for the next two years (better than renewal, certainly) and is under team control until he's 30, now.

Tell me you really, truly, honestly believe that he'd get paid fairly under current market trends as a 30 year old free agent.

The point is, this is a dude who's been held up as a superstar-in-waiting; if not Mike Trout, then maybe a half-step below that. One of the very best young players in baseball, and certainly one of the youngest superstars in the game.

And he just signed an extremely team-friendly 10-year extension.

Take off your rose-colored Braves fan glasses for a moment, Jon. You're allowed, as a fan, to be elated that your team locked down your young stud for the effective remainder of his peak earning years.

But you cannot, objectively, tell me that an extension like this one is indicative of a healthy free agent market. That's the cherry on top of the shit sundae from the last couple weeks with a bunch of stars signing extensions rather than risk getting slow-played in the market the way the big names of the last two years have been.
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