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Old 04-08-2019, 06:35 PM   #442
CU Tiger
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Backwoods, SC
Originally Posted by Chief Rum View Post
I'm just pointing out that terming a decision to go there as "crazy" for Barnes is a little too far in the face of the reality of things.

Here is why I say its crazy (and I'll stand by that stance)
Why do you change jobs?
Typically its for more money, a better work situation, more long term stability, more prestige, or better upward mobility. In the world of big time college coaches I guess we can toss more fame in there and access talent.

So I will go 1 by 1.
- Money. He is set to make $4MM at UT before he gets a bump. $4MM in Knoxville is worth what 7 maybe 8 mil in LA? I mean maybe UCLA will pay that...but I doubt it. Even if they do at what cost.
- Work Situation - First Barnes is a SE guy. He grew up in the foothills of NC in a furniture town. He went to college at a nearby small southern baptist school. His entire coaching career has been in the south except a 5 year stint in RI which Ive personally heard him describe as "beautiful but horrible to me"...he is a "log cabin" guy not a glitz and glamor LA guy.Furthermore at UCLA the absolute best he could ever hope for is to be the best thing since Wooden. At UT he has a real chance to become their best (Men's) BBall coach ever. AT UT a sweet sixteen very 4 or 5 years is probably a lifetime contract. At UCLA if he doesnt get over that hump come year 5 he is probably looking for work. Then we get into things like traffic, commute time, etc. These are real daily challenges for him AND his wife.

Stability - see above.
Prestige - I guess UCLA is more prestigious than UT. Certainly it is historically. But at this point today are we splitting hairs?
Upward Mobility - I dont think he has eyes on the NBA...where else does he want to go.
Access to talent - Wash at best. I'd posit that the SE has more BBall talent than the west coast these days but it isnt clear cut either way.
Fame - UCLA could win hands down here. But I think this is a negative in Barnes eyes. Im not sure he wants Hollywood.

Barnes has to be 65 or so. And he has never struck me as a lifer. I dont expect him to die with a whistle in his mouth. Why start over. He has a foundation at UT. He can stay 1 or 2 more years maybe 3 or 4 and then ride off into the sunset.

I just dont see UCLA working. I think there is a real chance that Rick feeds his ego and goes there. I just think he is crazy to do so. If he shows up at a pro life rally in LA they will run him out of town on a rail. In Knoxville it just endears him even more to the locals.
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