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Old 04-21-2019, 03:11 PM   #33
Join Date: Nov 2003
I dunno - to me there are some uncomfortable questions raised by this that are a bit more nuanced than "the catholic church should just pay for it". Given the number of people in extreme poverty in France I do think a healthy debate on whether this is the best thing to spend a billion dollars on is a valuable thing. And I fully respect the right of people to spend their hard earned money on whatever they want, and it's entirely possible these people are already giving billions of dollars to the kinds of causes I'd rather see the money spent on.

To me, there's even more uncomfortable questions about the media coverage and the outpouring of grief about what is essentially a building, where no lives were lost. Compare it to some of the coverage of Grenfell, where certain media outlets moved past the massive loss of life pretty quickly and on to focusing on some of the negative stories, or the general apathy that I've seen today regarding Sri Lanka, and it doesn't make me feel great to be honest.
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