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Old 05-10-2019, 02:56 PM   #1284
General Manager
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Location: Chicago, IL
Originally Posted by CU Tiger View Post
Why is that?

What has driven the demand for it?
That's one of my real curiosities. I mean the NRA is an easy scape-goat. (Full disclosure Ive said here numerous times I am a former NRA member, even paid for an NRA lifetime membership, but I have disassociated several years ago including formally sending them notice of removal from their database request over divergences of opinion)...But is the NRA really solely to blame for influence on all people? Or do we need to examine cultural, media, and societal influences.

The reason is marketing. And the reason there is more marketing toward weapons like the AR-15 is because they are much more profitable to sell than handguns.

Look at how ads have changed. Guns are marketed as "patriotic". They're marketed as a sign of masculinity. No longer are you buying a tool for hunting or a handgun for next to your bed, you can now be John Wick. A segment of the population eats that up. Just as they would eat up Bud Light ads that insinuated you could hang out with babes in bikinis if you drank it.

I agree with your larger point though some will argue some semantics, it isnt pertinent to this discussion. What I dont understand is why? The AR15/ M-4 platform isnt the only military style weapon, hell Id posit it isnt even among the 10 best. So why has it taken off? Why do almost every FPS platform base either all or a majority of their weapons on the platform. Is it great marketing and if so who is the genius behind it?

Because everyone in the military learned off an M-16. It's a good weapon that is easy for smaller, weaker individuals to use. Very modular and parts are standardized across the industry. It's cheap. And you can personalize each one like a Barbie doll. Mix that with some slick marketing and that's why it's popular.

My home defense weapon of choice if a pump action shotgun. It is more effective, more reliable and honestly (though inconsequential to my decision) cheaper than an AR piece. So why do so many make the "wrong" choice?

BTW most any truly trained combat expert would make the same choice I make.

So why the AR popularity?

Because they aren't buying it for home defense. They are buying it because it makes them feel cool. Like I said, marketing of guns has changed. It's not about use, it's about how it becomes part of your identity.

I can line up numerous analogies for you but in short the NRA is the most visible, but it is far from the voice of all 2A advocates. I personally financially support 3 gun and 2A rights advocacy organizations. NRA isnt and never again will be one of them. GOA and USCCA are both much better run organizations. more aligned with my viewpoints. So first assumign tha all gun advicates are equivalent to the NRA is incorrect.

I don't know what your viewpoints are. But GOA is more extreme than the NRA. Their founder has spoken at many neo-Nazi/KKK/white supremacist rallies in the past. He has called for Christian militias to form death squads in this country. And has praised Timothy McVeigh for doing "God's work" when he slaughtered 160 people in Oklahoma City.

If that's more aligned with your viewpoints, so be it.
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