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Old 06-18-2019, 07:37 AM   #17
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: North Carolina
My thoughts from the other thread:

Normally, when you trade a superstar in the NBA, you get 75 cents on the dollar.

I think that the Pels got 85 cents on the dollar for Davis, so in that sense, it was a good trade for them.

You will still go broke, of course, trading dollars for cents, so this isn't a winning strategy over the long term. But considering that they had to trade him after the shitshow at the end of last season, they got a not-horrible return.

And this was good for the Lakers, of course. You've got some small window of LeBron's prime left. You do what you need to do to be a title contender during that time, and if you trade away a bunch of young players and picks to do it? That's a problem for five years from now. Assuming that they get one more star in free agency (they probably already have a handshake deal for one), they did what they needed to do to put the pieces around their superstar for one last run.
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