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Old 08-04-2019, 08:59 PM   #1429
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
Originally Posted by RainMaker View Post
Originally Posted by NobodyHere View Post
Gun control groups spent millions in the 2018 elections and even outspent the NRA. Laws such as raising the minimum age to buy a gun or red flag laws are being passed. You're simply ignoring facts. And it's a misnomer to say that you're not allowed to research gun violence, only that the CDC can't fund it. I will say the Dickey amendment should be overturned. I think Dickey does too.

None of those would prevent these mass shootings. Especially when you have just as many laws being passed to make it easier to acquire and carry guns.

In Ohio the Governor recently signed a bill that made more types of guns legal. They are coming close to removing the law that requires mandatory training for concealed carry. In Texas, everything that shooter did until the point he started firing was completely legal.

As for the CDC, it's a big deal when the part of our government that is in charge of looking out for public health can't research a major cause of death.

I think we have to play the long game here similar to reduction in smoking over the past 20-30 years.

The gun-control or anti-gun groups need to organize into one big organization/PAC like the NRA. Use donations from the plenty of gun control billionaires and do campaigns for kids, mental health awareness, weaken the NRA somehow etc.

Over a period of time, hopefully we'll move the dial to more gun control (but not elimination).

So my question is - why aren't these things happening, being driven by the Dems/Liberals? It's probably not due to lack of funds, my guess its a lack of collective will to get this done because many Dems/Libs know there is too strong of a 2A base in their current constituencies? So its a long game with the Millennials and Gen Z but requires constant positive reinforcement.
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