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Old 08-10-2019, 06:45 AM   #1510
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
What an ass. Good for the firefighter.

Man who brought 'tactical rifle' to Walmart says he was testing 2nd amendment
Andreychenko, 20, allegedly told cops that he “did not believe people would react the way they did” when he strolled into the Springfield Walmart on Thursday with his weapons.

“He said, ‘This is Missouri, I understand if we were somewhere else like New York or California, people would freak out,'” recalled the interviewing officer. “He said he brought a rifle and body armor due to three recent shootings and a stabbing and he wanted to protect himself. He stated he walked into the store, heard the fire alarm go off and walked out of the store. An individual then pointed a gun at him and told him to put his hands up.”

Cops said Andreychenko was detained by an armed off-duty firefighter and later placed under arrest.

He allegedly mentioned the shootings at the Walmart in El Paso and bar district in Dayton, Ohio that occurred last weekend — and noted how he told his wife, Angelice, that he was going to put his Second Amendment rights to the test in the wake of what happened.
“Missouri protects the right of people to open carry a firearm, but that does not allow an individual to act in a reckless and criminal manner endangering other citizens,” said Greene County prosecutor Dan Patterson in a statement Friday. “As Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes famously explained, ‘the most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theatre causing a panic.’”
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