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Old 09-23-2019, 07:25 PM   #12
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Our next foe is the Alliance of Good.

My foe has some dwarves, a pair of Wardancers, Bretonnian Blitzers, and an Ogre. I begin on defense. The ball falls dead center, only a few spaces from the center of their pitch. Their Wardancer grabs it, and they begin to crate a cage . Can I hit them from up the middle? I have to burn a RR, but I can’t get on their Wardancer. I blitz Drac on a cage corner and base their BC. Their ogre blitzes and injures Drac. He regens. Their Dancer dodges through multiple blockers and moves deeply into a scoring position. Shambles is injured trying a go for it to base their Wardancer. They score.

Kick off. I cage the ball, fail the reroll to grab, and get dropped. They KO a Zombie. I pick it up with Creature, cage a few Zombies. I fail to lob the ball after being roughed up. (I fail the catch.) They fail a pickup. Turn 7. I need to score quickly, and I have no rerolls. I make a tackle, and fail the pickup. Half

1-0 them

Imhotep, on the line, catches the kickoff. Bizaare. I block some, KO a lineman, and such, but I drop a Franky II and a dwarf on a block both and we turn over. Imhotep blows out an attacker. Imhotep blitzes their Ogre and wins, and then moves in a cage. I end my turn. Their Ogre rises and bases my cage, and another dwarf moves in front of the cage. I blitz in my wight, and push back the dwarf, then move my cage a little and pass the turn. I move down a bit, fail on a blitz by Wolf Man on their Wardancer. I tackle and pass the turn after moving Imhotep to the corner. I punch and pass. We continue. I take it to turn 16.



Wardancers evade blockers and such, and our foe picks up the ball. They blitz Wolf Man. End of turn. They move the cage by the LOS and an Ogre. I drop the ogre, and blitz my wight on their Wardancer carrier. I push it next to Imhotep, who drops it, and the ball falls free, next two of their dwarves and a zombie of mine. I put the Wolf Man on the ball too and pass. They mov,e fail, to pick it up, and It bounced out so that only my Wolf Man and their Wardancer are next to it. Can I drop the WD and open up a lane? Nope, I have to waste a RR on a two die block from someone without block and their WD has block and I can’t rbing it down. Their Wardancer falls in a dodge and falls again. Can I dodge my Wolf Man and pick up the ball? I have a RR. I failed the dodge. Nope. Tackle and position after they do the same.

Turn 22, can I get to a scoring place? I blitz and knock down someone on the ball, then tackle another off, and I grab it with Wolf Man. I burn a RR and have one left. They blitz their Ogre to Wolf, and just push him back. They base me with a Wardancer too. Can I get a body on the Wardancer for a two die blitz from him to free him?

Nope, but I get two pushbacks on two one-die blcoks and score. We win 2-1.
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