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Old 11-23-2019, 12:28 AM   #73
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: PDX
Originally Posted by Edward64 View Post
My guess is many blame the older generations for the faults of today and therefore they deserve it. Obviously there is blame just like there was blame in all the previous generations, and just like there will be blame placed on the Millennials by Generation Z and the "Crystal Pepsi" Generation and on and on.

There is some truth in that, but what is unique about the boomers is that they upset the population curve.

There are still more boomers than gen xers or millennials in the US even right now. As such they have held more cultural, economic and political influence than every other generation for the entirety of their lives, and two entire generations below them have essentially had their turns "in charge" skipped over due simply to the Boomers' collective size. The argument that they are especially to blame for all of today's faults is pretty strong.

As such, any cries about ageism from boomers sound kind of hollow, like wealthy white men who complain of reverse-racism. It's hard to muster up much sympathy when the group collectively holding the most power and money wants to cry discrimination.

Noting the size of Generation Z, and the fact that they just started to cross over into voting & buying age, I'd imagine we're going to start to see some significant shifts in the coming years.
Last edited by thesloppy : Today at 05:35 PM.

Last edited by thesloppy : 11-23-2019 at 12:42 AM.
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