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Old 11-23-2019, 10:34 AM   #80
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Seven miles up
Boomers swallowed the silent generation, much the same as the combination of Millennials will swallow X. Their rise to power began with the protests over being forced to go to war. This was after they had endured the grandeur and rise of the middle class in the post war, very prosperous 50's, and early 60's.

The revolts were their first attempt at taking power, and their sheer size coming to voting power did indeed drive the changes that we saw in the 60's regarding Civil Rights etc. They used power to create wealth for themselves in their "middle age" yuppie, greed 80's that saw the highest divorce rates, that they certainly didn't see.

Clinton became the poster child for everything Boomer as the first Boomer president. Aside from Obama (X) every president and a large portion of DC leadership are Boomers. They have effectively controlled the US, seeing that they are "taken care of" from every possible advantage that they could gift themselves. With the expansion of home ownership, they saw to it, that the interest on those loans was free from taxes (among other tax cuts or credits designed to help them along the way). They have effectively made sure that SS will last until 2030, where guess what, the last Boomer will turn 65! Shocker. The trump tax cuts expire when? 2030! Notice how any changes made these days technically 'grandfather' certain groups in?

Once they are out of power, all this debt, all this will be on every generation after them, and they won't care anymore. Having gone from having everything as kids, to having expanded everything in their favor all along the way, while taking from generations before and after (Pensions anyone?)

So no, I don't have a lot of respect for the leadership that helped to put that in place. It's why having 3, 70+ candidates at the front again just, plain, blows.
He's just like if Snow White was competitive, horny, and capable of beating the shit out of anyone that called her Pops.

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