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Old 11-24-2019, 08:16 AM   #56
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Oct 2003
Originally Posted by Johnny93g View Post
We figured out that it was the graphics folder that was causing an issue. Not sure why, but when i deleted the graphics folder, the game started. Anyway, some feedback.

The Play/sim screen says you can change days by using the arrow keys. I am not able to. In order to change days, i after to click the current day and find the date i want via drop down menu.

Alot of the text is very small. The league news on the right side of the screen is small, and after a while i started ignoring it, as I had to squint to see it. If there is a way to make the text bigger, I didn't see it.

The trading screen is very cumbersome. If i want to change the team or look through team rosters, i can't scroll through teams. I have to click the drop down menu and select the team. This got annoying and time consuming really fast. I'd like to use the arrow keys to change teams.

I also cannot select a player on the trade screen and open his player card. I can select the type of view i want to see from everyone, ie stats, ratings, but i want to open a player card and view a player i might be trading for.

I also want to see everyone in the league who is on the trade block. There is a column on the trade screen which allows you to see who is on the block for the team selected. As i said, it's slow and cumbersome to change teams, so i can't easily see all the players on the trade block.

I simmed to the All-star break, which i assume is the limit of the demo, as it won't sim any farther, but i did not receive one trade offer despite putting a few players on the block early.

In the league transactions screen, it would be nice to be able to separate trades, signings, d league assignments, etc....The writing is again very small on that page, so after a while, i stopped looking.

In game, as GM only, I wanted to sim the game as quickly as possible. Selecting the game speed wasn't easy. A few times i moved the whole program when trying to change the speed. After successfully changing the speed, the game paused for 60 seconds or saw, and i saw about 10 minutes was played. It did this until the game was over. Almost like a freeze. i can't imagine that's the intention though.

The game does look great, and looks like it will be alot of fun though. Just some things i noticed from my first playthrough last night.

Those are the things to come to mind. Otherwise the game looks great.

To change the days you use the greater than\ less than keys, > < . I too was confused by this when I first opened the game. When arrows didn't work I tried the < > and voila it worked.

I play on a large 2k monitor so haven't noticed the text being too small, though that of course can be different for each of us no matter the size of display. Have you looked on the news tab itself where the news goes full screen? Is that text too small too?

Lots of good suggestions for being able to list and sort on the various screens. Perhaps some can be added in a patch or at least find a spot on Gary's list for next year.

I've bought previous versions but ended up just messing about with it never really getting a career off the ground. A lot of that was caused by the small resolution on a big monitor and having to switch between screens or scroll to find information. DDSPB 2020 is a huge step in the right direction and I have played it more in the first access time than I played last years version in total.

So yeah, I agree with you there are things that can be improved but it looks great and will be a lot of fun to play.
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