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Old 12-06-2019, 02:27 PM   #20337
World Champion Mis-speller
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Covington, Ga.
Originally Posted by PilotMan View Post
Don't get me wrong, I said about a year ago, that we were beyond impeachment, and we were at the point where a straight resignation should have been accepted. The fact that there's still an argument over IF he should be impeached, let alone removed, is just dumb, imo.

The bar started at, "does this equate to Nixon" and has been moved to, "he the president, or course he can do it" no matter what, it is.

We went from R's screaming about the near constant use of Exec Priv, as a means to direct law, as being a near impeachable and nothing short of a monarchic dictatorship, to the president should be burdened with the courts, or congress. I mean, what the actual fuck?

I wish people would stop thinking that Republicans mean anything they say. They only say and do things that gives them their way. Rule of law is important when it comes to restricting Democrats. Presidents can't use Executive Privileged for anything, as long as there is a "D" beside their name. Ignoring congressional subpoenas is a crime, unless you do it as a Republican. Foreign influence in our elections should be stopped, unless it helps Republicans.

And the saddest part is, we have 40% of the people, many of whom are taking the brunt of the Republicans terrible policies, that are just fine with it. Heck, more than fine.
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