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Old 12-11-2019, 11:33 AM   #1
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Annapolis, Md
FOF Next and the "Perfect Team" concept

Okay, let's put two and two together, and speculate here.

-We know the Solecismic developer has joined forces with the team behind OOTP Baseball. When and how that bears fruit, we don't know, or at least I don't.

-We know that the OOTP Developers have launched an add-on feature for their baseball game, Perfect Team, that involves players acquiring, collecting, and using "cards" of real baseball players from today and across history in various leagues and tournaments.

-We know that the world of micro-transactions is absolute catnip for software developers and their financial interests... so if there's an angle to get people playing a side game that triggers even a small wave of "buy more coins" and "buy more cards" transactions, that's simply wroth pursuing, whether we like it or not.

Okay, that's what I can bring to the table. In this thread, let's discuss:

-How a "Prefect Team" setup might work in football/FOF

-What strengths from the baseball offering should be preserved or expanded?

-What weaknesses from the baseball offering should be revisited or rejected?

...I make no claims that the relevant developer(s) will look to this community or this thread for any guidance, but... seems like it shouldn't hurt, right?

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