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Old 01-09-2020, 08:41 PM   #3
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD

Honorable Mention #1. Dark Future: Blood Red States
Auroch Digital
Driving – Combat
Users: 82% Positive, Steam

Let’s kick this off with a game I discovered this week in PCGamers Hidden Gems from 2019 article - The hidden gems of 2019 in PC gaming | PC Gamer

I enjoy driving games. I have sunk many a quarter into driver’s like Pole Position, Bump N Jump and Sky Hunter. You can even see one of the classic fighting drivers in DeathTrack in my countdown already as well as things like MaroKart.

Dark Future was a Games Workshop wargame from ’88. It was probably inspired by Car Wars from Steve Jackson. This version appears to have been influenced by the Bethesda Fallouts as well as Mad Max and others.

In this game, you are running a number of missions as part of a campaign. Each mission is locked into 10 minutes, although some can take a few minutes more if they go later into the time trial based on a mechanic below is heavily used. During that time, you will need to drive missions down the road like protect an escort, kill a number of baddies, break through a number of blockages and so forth.

The driving part takes place in four lanes and the AI will keep you at a certain speed. You use buttons to move into other lanes or speed up/down or brake/turbo boost. The AI will move you into that lane, and you can shoot weapons on your vehicle, ram for serious damage, and loads more.

Much like in Fallout where you can head to the VATS system to plan, aim, shoot, heal, and crouch, you can move into a focused mode here too. You can fire weapons, move into a few different lanes, and more, and then move off and those things will happen.

There are a number of campaigns where you unlock new cars, as well as pick up stuff along the way. Each campaign ends around 2-3 hours of missions later. Each of the campaigns has perma-death. So if you die, you are dead dead. Unless you took the second chance perk, and then you get one free death.

Now, I have a unique take on this game, due to my degenerative neurological disorder (Huntington’s Disease) of which I am 7 years into. Here’s what I posted in my Steam review yesterday:

This is the first driving game I've been able to play in the last five years. The unique driving method and Fallout ability to pause-ish and plan my moves while driving enables me to play the game. Thanks! I can see myself playing this for a long time to come.

I went and bought the soundtrack for the game, as a special thanks (it’s really good too!).

Now, to be fair, I’ve only put 8-ish hours into it so far. It’s very possible that I will change my mind later, as it’s early days. But thus far? Yup!

Drive on!
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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 01-11-2020 at 12:07 PM.
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