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Old 02-21-2020, 01:38 AM   #12
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Behind Enemy Lines in Athens, GA
Originally Posted by molson View Post
Any problem with the talent pool is the parents' fault, 100%.

At the high school level here, parents are less than half the most vocal part of many fanbases. The math alone on most Friday nights (or Tuesdays for that matter) prohibits that. 100-110 players on even the very largest of large teams, 200 or so parents out of a few thousand people in the stands, and half them are too nervous to be all that vocal about much of anything.

On the much smaller scale, where my past decade or so has been spent, it's much the same. I can almost name-by-name the most knowledgeable, the most realistic, the most rabid, the loudest, the quietest, of our entire fanbase. And less than half those names would have anyone active on the team, maybe 1/3rd at most. Some are alums, some are former parents, some are simply fans of the sport, some are parents of non-athletes. And I'm among the most adept needlers on any given Friday night and mine didn't even play a sport that HAD officials.

Maybe you're not separating adequately between the high school level (which was the o.p. subject) and "youth sports", ... or maybe you're just so far in the tank with the inept buffoons that make up too much of the existing talent pool that there's no legitimate discussion to be had with you on the subject. Maybe you don't want solutions, you just want people to kiss the ass of even the most aggregious oxygen wasters on the planet.
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