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Old 03-04-2020, 09:25 AM   #2520
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Originally Posted by Ben E Lou View Post
Follow-up on this. CNN has exit polling broken down by frequency of attending religious services. In every state I checked, Biden won landslide numbers (as in he typically got over 50%, with no one else even getting 20%) among those who attend weekly services, and Bernie won less handily, though still decisively, among those who said they never attend.

Another interesting thing I just saw that MAY lend more credence to the thought that more disaffected Rs voted in the D primary than I would have guessed: 40% of Biden voters in VA said they would NOT "vote blue no matter who."

So does that mean their were R's voting in the D primary to help Biden win since they believe Trump can be him more easily than Sanders or they have crossed the aisle and are now going to vote Dem in the election?
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