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Old 03-04-2020, 10:31 AM   #2541
Grey Dog Software
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Phoenix, AZ by way of Belleville, IL
Originally Posted by Galaril View Post
In a statement announcing that he is ending his presidential bid, former New York mayor Mike Bloomberg said that he is endorsing Joe Biden for president.
I always felt that Bloomberg's entry was just a hedge when Biden was taking a beating. He didn't want Bernie to win and once it became clear Biden was a good option, he would drop out. But, if Biden kept stumbling around, Bloomberg would be there to pick up the pieces.

As to Sanders, I feel like a broken record but young people just don't vote (esp in primaries). Biden strategically used endorsements to help create a great coalition of likely voters: suburban women, working class white guys and older African Americans.

Originally Posted by Ryche View Post
Can't tell you how much I like having my ballot mailed to me and then dropped off at a ballot box.
This 100%. I have my ballot on my dining room table and waited to fill it out on Super Tuesday. My plan when I got it last week was to go either Biden or Warren (based on who I thought had a better chance to beat Bernie). So, this morning I filled it out for Biden and will drop it off tomorrow morning at a mail drop. As long as it is postmarked by next week, it will count in the early balloting for the AZ primary on 3/17.

I know you have to setup online that you want a mail-in ballot, but the state democratic party should really makes steps to get more people those ballots. It's such an easier process (even if you just drop it off on election day). You pretty much eliminate any aspect of voter suppression, intimidation or bottle-necked lines by avoiding the polling stations all together.
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