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Old 03-13-2020, 11:05 AM   #81
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: North Carolina
Originally Posted by Lathum View Post
If this is over in a month it will be because these steps were taken.

Yup. People taking steps to minimize the impact might work, in which case they will be criticized for taking steps to minimize the impact. Does not mean they were wrong.

It is basically the same thing as criticizing the United States for having had a huge military/intelligence operation during the Cold War.

"Durr . . the Soviets never attacked us. I guess that big military wasn't needed after all."

We KNOW what will happen if we go business as usual. Look at Italy. That's the answer. This isn't a hypothetical.

I've got two parents, a grandparent, and a mother-in-law all in the danger zone.

Normally, I'm all for pretending the MAGA heads have a point for the sake of civil discourse. But my personal stakes are too high here.
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