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Old 03-13-2020, 12:42 PM   #1003
Join Date: Sep 2003
Originally Posted by henry296 View Post
I'm not sure if interaction with just one or two people with the virus makes it a certainty you will catch it. Based on the Utah Jazz data, there were 2 people with the virus out of the 58 people they tested who had close contact with them. We know about how long it takes to develop symptoms, but I'm not sure how long after the interaction a negative test is conclusive.

My other question is after you test positive and the symptoms pass are you still contagious. With other viruses, like the flu once you are symptom free for 1 day you can return to work. I think most mild cases only last a couple of days so if you are clear then you could return to work and not have to be isolated for 14 days.

Sanjay Gupta was on CNN last night and he said you were still contagious after your symptoms go away. I think he said for a 3-5 day period afterwards. I might have the number of days wrong though.
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