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Old 03-19-2020, 01:03 PM   #7
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
FWIW, I'm still at #3 for this week.

My "fear" gauge has gone up but still think we have a fair chance of keeping it way below 1% and since last Wed 3/11 (let's call that the "Trump fails to read" speech) it does seem Trump is taking this seriously and government is actively supporting Fauci, CDC etc.
  • Increased testing ... for real now vs. just words prior to last week (Wed)
  • Shelter-in-place precedence has been set (however half-hearted the attempt is)
  • Schools & colleges are shut down for remote learning
  • Businesses encouraging remote work and no business travel
  • Most people (other than those freaking Gen Z at the FL beaches) seem to appreciate the situation as evidenced by shortage of staples
  • etc.
I still have my stockpile of canned food, rice, pasta etc. but am concerned about getting more staples - only 4 more eggs left, lettuce is gone, milk expires on 3/22 etc. I went to online Costco & Walmart yesterday. A ton of out-of-stock food.

As I said in another post, I expect our supply chain for food to be impacted for 4-6+ weeks where we will be "highly inconvenienced" and not get what we want when we want it.

Looking forward to the government check(s) so I can spend it on "wants" and cheer myself up.
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