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Old 04-16-2020, 08:51 AM   #22827
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Annapolis, Md
Originally Posted by Edward64 View Post
If China on Jan 1 held a press conference and said - "Guys, this is for real, no bullshit. We're going to do our best but we think it will inevitably spread to your country. Here's what we know and the treatments we have tried so far. And oh BTW, CDC we welcome you on the ground now", I'm pretty it may not have "stopped anything" but it sure would have helped.

Tough to disagree with that. I realized that on this issue everybody has retreated to their appropriately colored corners, and because the POTUS is playing the blame Chyna card, team blue has decided that’s totally inappropriate. But sure, China could and should have done more, and in ways less bald faced than this strawman.

Their governmental culture of secrecy and shame played no small part in these problems, it appears. I’m not completely convinced that a more “free” country would have necessarily done better, but their accountability structure didn’t seem to lend it self to a proper, open, and effective quick response.
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