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Old 04-17-2020, 11:05 PM   #118
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
The tunnel leads to a circular shaft which is lit intermittently by a pulsating crimson light flooding down from above. You ascend this shaft by means of a broad circular staircase, and you stop to rest when you come to a landing that is halfway from the top. Unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, you must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points

When you look to the top of the shaft, you can see the huge domed panels of the citadel’s observatory windows. Confident that an escape onto the roof can be effected by this route, you resolve to reach the top of the stairs as quickly as you can. However, you are becoming increasingly concerned for Lone Wolf’s physical condition. His pulse is weak and his breathing is shallow, indicating to you that he is slipping from unconsciousness into coma. You are also anxious to revive him so that he may send a telepathic signal to Guildmaster Banedon, summoning him to your rescue. Unless this signal is transmitted soon, you fear that any attempt to reach the roof will ultimately be to no avail.

(I do not have Deliverance)

You use your Magnakai Curing skills in an urgent attempt to restore Lone Wolf to consciousness. You unbutton the front of his battle-tunic and place your hands on his chest; then you transfer the warmth of your healing powers directly into his body (this use of your Magnakai Discipline costs you 1 ENDURANCE point). After a few minutes you feel his heartbeat growing stronger, yet before you can complete the healing procedure, you hear the daunting sound of steel-shod boots echoing up the shaft from below. You risk a glance over the parapet of the stairs and you see a dozen armoured Drakkarim emerging from the tunnel at the base of the shaft. As they come running up the steps, you see that most are armed with loaded crossbows.

Reluctantly you are forced to abandon your attempt to revive Lone Wolf. You heave him across your shoulder and take to the stairs once more, climbing as fast as your aching legs will carry you both towards the observatory roof, 60 feet above.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

(I toss a 4)

Gasping for breath, you reach the top of the stairs and stagger onto a circular steel platform. Through the giant windows that encircle this observatory landing, you look out across the grim grey vista of Gazad Helkona and marvel at its terrible splendour. The surrounding acres of iron and stone are bathed by glowing waves of crimson light. These pulses emanate from a huge crystal set atop the observatory dome. It is a sorcerous gem and it was placed here by Darklord Chlanzor’s Nadziranim, his dark wizards, as a beacon to guide home his fearsome squadrons of Kraan. As you stare up at this evil stone, you draw some comfort from the thought that soon its radiant light may help guide Guildmaster Banedon’s flying ship to your rescue.

You place Lone Wolf behind the parapet near the top of the stairs; then you risk another look down into the shaft. You see that the Drakkarim have taken up a position on the landing below where they are waiting for you to present yourself as a target. The moment your head appears over the parapet, they reward your curiosity with a volley of crossbow bolts.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Assimilance, add 2 to the number you have picked. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 1. If your current ENDURANCE score is 15 or lower, deduct 2.

( I toss a 2 and get a 5 total)

The deadly bolts slam into the parapet and whistle past your head. One bolt passes so close that it skewers the collar of your tunic and grazes your throat: lose 1 ENDURANCE point.

Warm blood trickles down the side of your neck as instinctively you duck back behind the safety of the parapet. Your close brush with death tells you that these Drakkarim warriors are a determined enemy. You know that you must do everything in your power to prevent them from reaching the roof if you are to have any hope of escaping from Gazad Helkona alive.

You hear a gruff shout followed by the sound of heavy boots pounding up the stone stairs. Your stomach churns with the fear that the Drakkarim are about to storm the observatory platform, and again you risk your life by glancing over the parapet. Fortunately, this time you escape being used as a crossbow target, and you are able to catch a glimpse of a lone Drakkar ascending the stairs at a run. He is a barrel-chested Drakkarim assault-trooper clad in full battle-armour, with scarlet cape, plumed helm, and spiked shield. As he bounds up the steps two at a time, he curses loudly and slashes at the air with his serrated sword. His fearless charge is so recklessly courageous that it inspires his cautious comrades to leave the landing and follow in his wake.

(I use KA)

You listen to the Drakkar’s approaching footsteps as you prepare the Brotherhood Spell Net while remaining hidden from sight. If you can ensnare this assault trooper with your net spell, it may be enough to dissuade his comrades from pressing home their charge. Having recited all but the last word of the spell, you rise up from behind the parapet and point your right hand at the advancing Drakkar. You utter the final spell-word and a gout of sticky fluid gushes from your open palm towards the assault trooper’s face. The warrior sees the trail of fluid arcing towards him and hurriedly he tries to block it with his shield.

Your net hits the Drakkar’s shield and splashes across the broad staircase, blocking it with a latticework of gluey fibres. The assault trooper discards his shield and calls to his comrades to help him cut a path through your magical net. They respond eagerly, and as half their number race up the steps to hack at the sticky strands, the rest kneel down and open fire at you with their crossbows.

You retreat a few paces from the head of the stairs and unsheathe your Kai Weapon in readiness to defend the observatory platform from these determined foes. Then the assault trooper leader looms into view with his jagged black sword raised to strike. He pauses for a few moments to allow his comrades to catch up with him; then together they charge up the last remaining steps and hurl themselves upon you with a reckless fury.

Drakkarim Assault Squad: COMBAT SKILL 45 ENDURANCE 40

( I still have 7 damage from the other fights and the damage we got here and there. I take the +11 with KS. I toss a 6, and then a 8 and they die. I took 3 damage - 10 total)
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