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Old 04-24-2020, 01:44 PM   #3
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: The State of Insanity
Tyranny of Dragons: Phlan


CULT OF THE DRAGON: Covert and secretive, the cult was once devoted to the creation and proliferation of dracoliches, but now seeks to free Tiamat from her imprisonment in the Nine Hells. Unfortunately for them, this shift in ideals has created rifts from within.

DRAGON MASKS: Five ancient masks cast in the likeness of each of the five types of chromatic dragons which the Cult of the Dragon believes will grant unto them the power to free Tiamat from her infernal prison.

DRAGONSPINE MOUNTAINS: The peaks of this mountain range to the west is populated by red and white dragons while goblins, orcs and other inhuman creatures dwell in the lowlands and valleys.

KNIGHT COMMANDER ECTOR BRAHMS: Now acting as the Lord Reagent of Phlan, Ector Brahms is an stoic, merciless man who is beginning to show the stresses of the burden of leadership.

KNIGHTS OF THE BLACK FIST: During this period of martial law, the Black Fist act as judge, jury and executioner, but is not above a little bribery, provided Lord Reagent Ector Brahms does not find out.

LABOR GUILDS: The constant construction in Phlan has made the four most powerful guilds of Phlan (the Stonewrights, the Carpenters, the
Ironhanded, and the Merchants) a political force of their own and they desire control over the city’s sizeable coffers.

LORD PROTECTOR ANIVAR DAORAN The now-deceased grandson of the conqueror of Phlan was a pampered, corrupt ruler whose contempt for his subjects was seconded only by the responsibilities of his rule.

MOONSEA: This region in North Faerūn is a wild frontier, dominated by a large sea and until relatively recently, the Zhentarim.

NOBLE HOUSES: Though few, the remaining noble houses see opportunity in the chaos following the Lord Protector’s death and seek to establish control of the trade routes that once brought riches and influence to the city.

PHLAN: This frontier city has been destroyed and rebuilt more times than can be remembered, but has left its people tough and determined.

POOL OF RADIANCE: An open wound in the Weave, the Pool of Radiance was a powerful, but dangerous, font of raw magic.

QUIVERING FOREST: Planted by elves as protection against the ogres of Thar, the enchanted forest is populated by wild elves and other fey creatures.

RED WIZARDS: Ruled by the lich Szass Tam, this organization of is peopled with wizards, demonologists and slavers.

SORCERER’S ISLE: This small island in the Stojanow River was the home to Yarash, a mad wizard who filled the river with mutated creatures; the detritus of his insane experiments.

WELCOMERS: The city’s thieves’ guild once preyed on visitors and well-to-dos but now lashes out at the Black Fist and any others who might try to eradicate them.

Each adventure must be attached to one or both of the themes below.

 A Struggle for Peace (Phlan). Control of the city by day is in the hands of the corrupt and merciless Black Fist, but by night, a pitched battle between the establishment and the undesirable elements of society commences. The Harpers wish to clean the corruption from the establishment, the Lords’ Alliance supports stability or finding a compromise amongst the establishment and the criminals, the Emerald Enclave wants a more representative assembly to govern, the Order of the Gauntlet wants to protect the civilians caught in the machinations of the conflict, and the Zhentarim want to bring the Welcomers into their sphere of influence.

 Race for Power (Storyline). The Cult of the Dragon sees the Pool of Radiance as the key to obtaining dominance in the region, believing they can harness the magic of the Pool. First however, they know they must find a way to interact with the Pool without succumbing to its maddening qualities. While they search for those answers, all the factions seek to stop them from attaining this knowledge and accessing the Pool’s gifts.
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