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Old 04-27-2020, 03:53 PM   #326
Head Coach
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Maryland
Originally Posted by albionmoonlight View Post
Things are fucked up right now.

If you weren't having an emotional reaction, I'd consider it weird.

Well, I guess my gig is up. I'm the psychological oddball.

I've been more or less feeling like this is summer, only I've been teleworking.

1. Son is home, and he is back to his schedule of sleeping until 4PM most days then staying up until 4-5AM, spending most of that time on the computer.

2. My daughter has "school" but it's her senior year and three out of four classes are filler anyway. Calc is the only real one, that's pass/fail, and she's already into college. So, essentially summer.

3. My wife is still working three nights a week.

We seldom went to church (everybody's schedules, differing beliefs). Don't do much with neighbors, don't really have local friends. (My wife is part of a ladies' group and I have band booster duties, but honestly skipping those for both of us is a relief.)

If anything, I feel like everyone is making out like they have all this bonus free time and outside of not having to commute, I'm not seeing that. But, I'm still gainfully employed so I'll take it.

I'll say though, I think I will quite enjoy retirement. Lots of stuff I'd like to do. Mostly by myself.

edit: Right, family. Dad's in Thailand, haven't seen for ten years and will probably never see again. Mom's in PA, see her a couple times a year. See my brother every few years. A couple of aunts and a cousin and that's pretty much it. Wife's folks are in FL, I've skipped the last couple of trips down there (fewer vaca days at this job, less will to want to sit through Fox News). Sister lives in NoVa, but they're busy and their kids are grown.

Essentially, other than work I've been living with in-person social isolation for 20 years. Probably why I'm so dogged with sticking around online forums.

Last edited by cuervo72 : 04-27-2020 at 04:26 PM.
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