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Old 04-28-2020, 08:55 AM   #86
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: North Carolina
Originally Posted by QuikSand View Post
I am probably with a ton of managers who would have said some watered-down version of this months ago... "just not sure what I'd be getting if all my staff worked from home."

Now, I and others like me are surely realigning this impression. Some person by person, but some globally. My general confidence with my staff is awfully high, they are delivering pretty well through this.

I find myself having far less informal conversations with people at work. There's a subset of problems where people would wander into my office (or vice versa) with a "Hey, I've got this issue, and what do you think about . . . " But it doesn't feel quite worth bothering someone with an email or a phone call about. So now the conversation just does not happen.

I am not sure how much value those conversations provide to the office as a whole. I know it is greater than zero. I do not know if it is greater than what we would save by having less office space.

In our particular office, the question is moot b/c we just signed a ten-year lease in our new space, so we wouldn't be able to shrink and save money. But I am sure that these conversations are happening economy-wide now.
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