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Old 04-30-2020, 01:51 AM   #24
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
And there you are! I hope that you enjoyed Patriots of Ulek! It’s a fun little world builder with a leader-esque end. Now the actual adventure module has a missing dungeon I didn’t run. In the actual module the leader has been compromised and you have to penetrate the estate and find out what happened. It’s fun. But in this case the way I fit this story meant he wasn’t compromised.

Now let’s talk about the world since we left it.

During the events known today as the “Wrath of the Immortals,” there were was a major war. The mega powerful Alphatia vs Glantri. In order to secure Glantri, two of their allies – Thyatis and the Heldanic Knigghts joined the Glantri side. Thyatis and Alphatia had been the most powerful nations in a cold war for a long time. They had proxy wars such as one in Norwold at the founding of the Kingdom of the Mighty when it was but a Barony in the first few years, or the proxy battles on the Isle of Dawn for centuries. They never actually fought nakedly before, and Alphatia won that flank easily. They then marched across the now defeated Thyatis to Glantri. Pro-Glantri immortals turned an anti-magic device against the powerful empire and drained magic from the world for a week. Alphatia was swallowed up in the tides and was destroyed only to appear in the Hollow World below earth after being saved by Immortals.

Above the world, Alphatia was no more. Thyatis was beaten. The Republic of Darokin was on the border of the meteor that crashed to earth and was hurt. GLantri was savaged. Lesser powers like Karameikos, Norworld, the Knights, and The Kingdom of the Mighty emerged.

Coming out from the ashes of Alphia rose a new empire. There were parts of the continent that survived, islands, and former colonies like Norwold and the Mighty that used to be in Alphatia. If they were to unite under one banner, they’d be a power once again. New Alphatia emerged with its skyships, high powered magic, and more. It united the former colonies, islands, and parts of Alphatia that survived. It was ruled by Empress Eriadne, who died in the big struggle, third born son, who was tyrannical and dictatorial and mean. Norworld and The Mighty would prove to be nice tools to send back to the chest.

The major ally of the Mighty has been The Heldannic Knights,on the other side of Norwold. Earlier ,Alzar and them had discussed about attacking Norwold and dividing it among themselves. However, they have not done so as New Alphatia would strike and annex or turn Norworld back to itself. Norwold loved it’s independence, but it likes survival more, and the Knights and the Mighty need to keep New Alphatia in check. The alliance with the Knights was supposed to keep the Kingdom of the Mighty free to.

This strike was too well planned to have been coincidence. Taking one major corner from The Kingdom of the Mighty and able to be used as a striking point against Norwold or The Mighty as needed was too useful to someone. Intaria orders the forces here to increase to 1k. Hopefully this bad loss will send anyone from New Alphatia from looking down their path.

Intaria begins to reach out to see if New Alphatia was really behind this. It makes too much sense. But Norwold would have gained by funding (although that’s not King Ericall’s style at all) it and bringing it under their aegis, as well as blaming NA if it failed.

The realm’s confidence rises +10 after the successful stop of the attack.
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