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Old 05-21-2020, 01:01 PM   #146
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: North Carolina
Originally Posted by NobodyHere View Post
It is an election year you know and a good economy is good for incumbents.

Game theory wise, this is fascinating to me.

Trump wants to be re-elected. And, if he were a normally competent President, the White House would be on Capitol Hill lobbying for massive stimulus. The Dems would be the party having to put the breaks on it.

But Trump is not competent, and he has long ago fired anyone who is. So he is at the mercy of Congressional Republicans.

And Congressional Republicans? They got their judges. They got their tax cut. They got their deregulation. And Trump is an embarrassment. Might it be better for them in the medium run to let Biden win? And then to have Biden's first term be a COVID-driven disaster?

And, if so, don't you start planting the seeds now by choking off stimulus and letting the hole out of which Biden will have to dig be that much deeper?

Or, maybe they think Trump has a chance, and they want him to win, in which case bread and circuses for everyone.
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