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Old 06-02-2020, 08:39 AM   #3645
General Manager
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Chicago, IL
Even if it is 1%, 99% are not doing anything to stop them. That is the problem. We see 3 officers sit and watch their fellow officer murder someone and then drive away like nothing happened.

Below is a video of a cop spitting on someone who has been arrested. This is a crime and blatant abuse of power. None of the fellow cops arrest him. None remove him from the scene. Are they the 1% or 99%?

As to why post police brutality videos? Because this is the police brutality thread. This is a seminal point in time where we are seeing millions protest it and be met with state sponsored violence. The government gassed and beat people in a park to set up a photo shoot for the President yesterday. The Australian government is making a stink that we beat the shit out of their reporters on live TV for no reason.

I'm sure there is a plethora of content for a "cops rule!" thread if that is important. Not sure what it has to do here and this topic.

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