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Old 06-12-2020, 06:15 PM   #24535
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
Two problems with that. First, it's not about them; it's about what kind of people we should be and whether it's right to sink lower in response to them (no). Secondly, it's worth considering what happens when the shoe's on the other foot. Are we happy with those who have similar opinions of you/us acting that way? Just as it's been pointed out that issues such as Trump declaring an emergency vis a vis the wall on the southern border sets a precedent that other presidents could do so for health care or whatever cause du jour, the same logic applies in that if it's ok to mistreat those we don't like, it's ok for those who don't like us to mistreat us in the future.

That's why if something's wrong, it's just wrong. It's not right or wrong based on the target of the action. It's right or wrong on it's own merits, period.
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