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Old 06-14-2020, 04:55 PM   #4280
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Nov 2013
Originally Posted by Radii View Post
Other ways that racists and people in power try to distract and deflect from problems involving police brutality:

1) Digging up the criminal record of the murdered black person, even when the murder had nothing to do with any of those issues, and nothing that the black person did deserved an execution - especially at the hands of a police officer unliaterally making that decision.

2) "But what about black on black crime. If black people really cared they'd focus on that". Spoiler alert: black people DO care, and they do focus on that, all the time. Your racist ass is just joining the conversation in a moment when that's not the problem or the issue, but the murder of black people by white police is instead the issue. If you really care then you'll stay involved 24/7/365 and be a part of trying to improve black communities too.

3) Look at this black police officer that got killed (a retired black police officer - David Dorn - during the George Floyd protests) by other black people during looting. Why isn't BLM talking about that? If they really cared they'd give that attention. Answer: because the problem at hand is white police GETTING AWAY WITH and being institutionally protected when they kill black people. The people that killed David Dorn aren't getting away with it, no one is protecting them. I should go back in this thread and see if any of you used this one.

4) Look at this conservative black person repeating all of the talking points. A black person (Candace Owens in this case) doesn't believe racism exists and is conveniently telling me all the same thing that racists do to make me feel better. I think the only reply to this is "fuck you"

So seriously, keep an eye out for this shit. White cops kill black people and the system of policing and justice in the United States of America protects these cops. The way to fix this hurts white people's power and ability to oppress others from top to bottom, so people made uncomfortable by this idea are going to deflect. Call it out, do not let it derail. In our happy little message board, if you really want to take on an issue, do it in another thread.

2) I'm not seeing any mass riots/protests about black on black crime despite the fact that it is a larger killer of black Americans.

3) The cop behind the George Floyd murder is behind bars and awaiting trial for murder

4) They have the right to their opinion. Even if it contrasts yours.
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