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Old 06-14-2020, 05:01 PM   #4286
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
One more observation: who, anywhere in this thread, on TV, on radio, in the Minneapolis PD/justice system etc. is saying 'Chauvin is getting a bad rap and doesn't belong in jail' or that he was justified or whatever.

I think a couple posters in this thread are too forgiving on police violence and have said so multiple times, but nobody is sticking up for Chauvin. Everybody I have literally heard anywhere on any media outlet at any time since Floyd was killed says he belongs arrested, charged, and convicted of some form of at the very least manslaughter and most say murder. Nobody is saying this is fine.

Some posts give the impression that half the country is totally fine with what he did. The only poll I can find say 78% of Americans (which isn't nearly enough) agree with him being arrested.
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