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Old 06-29-2020, 11:13 AM   #5462
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: St. Louis
I've been trying to articulate my feelings on the righteousness of social media but am unsure on how it will come out so here's my best shot...

I think here on FOFC we seem to be in close to 100% agreement on the idea that masks are useful and mitigate the spread of COVID. We also all laugh (I think even the conservative side) at the morons that we see at the store intentionally not wearing masks as some sort of political statement. However I diverge a little from here...

So a couple of anecdotal observations from friends of mine on facebook. I have one friend who posts non stop about the importance of the mask and how the knuckle draggers won't wear them but she seems to have also created her own little world where she can make exceptions to the rule. For example she took her family on a purely entertainment oriented trip to Florida. I mean sure the masks probably do help quite a bit but you know what else does? Not going on an airplane trip to Florida in the middle of a pandemic.

I have another friend who is involved in back and forth about the protesters and some absurd argument that not only did COVID cases not go up but they declined in places where the protesting occurred. I mean do we not all agree this is patently absurd? I would probably surprise a lot of the liberal brethren on this board that the social protests are a completely different beast than not wearing masks to the Lake of the Ozarks. But any argument that the groups of sometimes tens of thousands of people in which some of the people clearly aren't wearing masks or socially distancing were 100% effective in not spreading the virus is a joke. (And the fact the she is quoting media outlets like buzzfeed making this claim just add to the divide in this country. I mean it's complete political masturbation at the point you cherry pick data to claim the protests had no effect on the spread of COVID)

So I guess my point is that it is kind of hard to get pat yourself on the back too much unless you are a complete hermit. I mean myself I wear a mask at stores but admit I don't wear one when pumping gas or on a hike with my family and actually kind of view those people as a little Chicken Littleish. But what do I know right? They could have serious immune system problems or relatives with serious immune problems.

But isn't that the whole thing? Yes we should wear masks and social distance but unless you are a hermit I don't know how you can really criticize anyone else. You can't just take a trip and say well I'm still better than most people, you can't protest and say but I'm still better than most, I personally can't pump gas but say hey I wear my mask in the grocery. I mean we all have chosen some level of risk and all just think our level is acceptable.

Not really aimed at anyone in particular on here and more at the twitter/facebook world which is a cesspool already. Just something to get off my chest I guess.
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