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Old 06-30-2020, 04:45 PM   #4659
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Originally Posted by panerd View Post
1) The mayor doesn't live in the gated community. Yet another thing surprisingly not really making the national stories. The protesters knew very well they were cutting through the gated part of town to get to her house and could have gone all sorts of other ways. (Which by the way they could have gone to city hall the next day but you know why do that when they can go shoot fireworks at her private residence and bring guns to intimidate)

5 On Your Side reporter says rioters pulled gun during protests |

2) Come on out to St. Louis and live among the people! Here is a great deal! Only $4000 (not monthly, not yearly, $4000 cash!) for a 2000 sq ft house! Of course you do have one of the highest murder rates in the country and something the police chief referred to as "Hayden's Rectangle" where 67% of the city's crime occurs. But why would anyone want to live in a safe community right?

Pardon Our Interruption

Fourth victim dies after shooting in "Hayden's Rectangle" | KMOX-AM

Or was it just faux outrage by you since you likely don't live in "the community" where you live either?

Again, i am not saying (at least did not mean to) it isn't the smart decision or that you shouldn't. I am saying it shouldn't be. I am saying it is fucked up that those are the options and that this becomes a development that is less and less likely to change the more it becomes divided up into seperate worlds.

And where do you see "outrage" in my post ? Incredulity, maybe. But then again, i am used to that.

And for what it's worth, your last sentence/accusation perfectly illustrates the point i was trying to make. The problem is the fact that it has become commonplace to have an inside and an outside of several seperate communities existing essentially without overlap. And obviously this didn't happen overnight or could be changed overnight. Nor am i going to claim i would know how.

I simply come back to the main point i am making over and over that the USs problems seem to have more to do with the underlying/overarching system (s) and cultural norms (and of course, history) than somehow the people being uniquely terrible* and things doomed to stay a certain way. But imo the view of this being "normal" or "natural" needs to be challenged. And i am not saying you do or don't.

All of which i am not bringing up all the time to judge or look down or whatever, but because i feel like it offers a different perspective.

* Which is brought forward from both sides of every argument, btw. Do i think those 2 acted terribly ? Yes. Do i think they specifically are the problem rather than a manifestation of multiple systemic problems ? No.
The same can be said for any number of others. The US has a tendency to put all Problems down to people just choosing wrong or not working hard enough. When to me (and many much smarter people) the more relevant factor might be the circumstances enabling/forcing/influencing/prompting those actions.

And one example among others is indeed how crime has been fought for decades now in the US.

And my neighbourhood is not upscale in the slightest fwiw, but pretty much among the cheapest in town (which in itself is not fancy, Bochum had it's major industries go bust in the 90s and has decently high unemployment and large influx of refugees a few years back). Where i stay by choice, not because i couldn't afford 'prettier'. Because even this sort of neighbourhood has easy access to everything you'd ever need including terrific public transport and inhabitants that run the gammet of professions/wealth (jobless or student to big bucks), single to family or german to syrian.

Again, i have no idea how the US situation (s) feel from inside (though i spend a solid year in Cleveland if that counts ), i can only offer a take from far off and having some idea of a few different models in different countries
That may or may not be useful but also likely isn't as influenced by me being in the problem, so to speak. It is of course influenced by my experiences with 'my' systems.
“The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes "Awww!”

Last edited by whomario : 06-30-2020 at 04:58 PM.
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