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Old 07-02-2020, 06:59 AM   #25192
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: North Carolina
Originally Posted by Lathum View Post
If it’s what their constituents wanted why are they being voted out?

Ever since I can remember, the play in American politics has been to move to the edge to win the primary, then move back toward the center to win the general.

But as the base of the GOP has continued to shift rightward, it is getting harder and harder to be as conservative as you need to win a GOP Primary while remaining palatable enough to the general electorate to win a general.

But for gerrymandering, the electoral college, and the unrepresentative nature of the Senate, you'd see this reflected in who is in power.

(Of course, if you didn't have gerrymandering, the electoral college, and an unrepresentative Senate, the GOP would have never pulled so far to the right because they would have known it was impossible to keep power that way. So there is a bit of a chicken/egg things going on).
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