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Old 07-09-2020, 02:34 AM   #25366
Join Date: Nov 2003
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Despite the fact that I've devoted most of my professional life to it, I think I've decided at this point that the internet was a mistake.

Or maybe it was just social media.

In any event, when we removed the internal content editor (necessarily required by the amount of work it took to formulate, develop the technical skills to execute and publish, thus winnowing down our communications to those we deemed the most important) we essentially turned our culture into a bar room brawl where any drunk asshole was empowered to say whatever they wanted and imagine there were no consequences.

Yup, this is certainly something I'm not qualified or smart enough to really speak on, but I'm pretty sure the way our brains and societies have evolved are really not meant for us to be able to instantly communicate with and get the opinions of the loudest and most opinionated members of our species from all over the world. It's like we've always been tribal and territorial assholes, but now instead of being an asshole with some of the 50 people you might come in contact with in your average week, you can do it instantly to try to reach millions and almost always zero consequences.

I'm a massive pessimist, but this gets me more down than most topics.
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