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Old 07-14-2020, 10:16 AM   #25624
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
Originally Posted by Butter
If you're confused about why people are making arguments against "arguments you never made" then maybe you're not being as clear as you thought, eh?

Not necessarily. Sometimes the clash of worldviews occurs at a sufficiently fundamental level that one side of the debate or both don't/can't comprehend that the opposition is questioning assumptions that are so basic to them that never even think about those concepts. Over the course of my time on this forum I've come to realize that many have vastly differing ideas of what basic things even mean; we don't see concepts like fairness, equality, freedom, rights, socialism, capitalism, democracy, racism, etc. in something close enough to the same way to avoid regularly crossing wires in discussion. We just think too differently.

Certainly it's very possible for me to be unclear in wording of things or to overlook a point to which the answer is so self-evidently clear to me as to be a waste of time to comment on, but when I've said repeatedly in different ways that I'm not making a specific argument and then people keep assuming that I am, it's clear a discussion can't be productive going forward. It doesn't even matter at that point how one wishes to distribute the blame for the disconnect ... there's just not enough commonality to even understand, much less agree with each other.
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