Not accusing anyone but...
We are pretty sure there are 6 wizards
Autumn (confirmed by death), Telle (confirmed by death), and I (claimed, if you don't trust me feel free to scry/read my mind): we were a group of 3 basic wizards, we were told there is one that is "pure of heart" and that we should protet them and if we reach out to them we could claim pm rights. Based of of Telle and mine's spells I am pretty sure CrimsonFox was the "pure of heart"
CrimsonFox (claimed):
through spells I am pretty sure his role was the "pure of heart"
Chief Rum (confirmed by death):
That is 5...
Through Nane grabbing the wand and attempting to kill Timmae using a spell it is now known that he is a wizard (the 6th and final)
But that leaves him as the "bad/voldemort" wizard based on CR's scrys...