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Old 07-24-2020, 12:19 PM   #4781
CU Tiger
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Backwoods, SC
Like I said I found some points very insightful and some...confirmation bias is a good summary.

What I cant isolate in my mind is what role culture plays in the interaction. Of course no two situations are identical, but it is undeniable that among a large portion of the African American culture that violence is glorified and that cooperation in any form with law enforcement is vilified.
Music among other avenues perpetuates this agenda. There is a sub-segment that even prejudices towards illegally begotten gains being preferential to those obtained from traditional methods.

I've seen kids I coached mocked for having part time jobs. And told that money wasn't 'as real' as 'street money'...its a pervasive almost counter culture.

So if kids grow up under this belief system and then act differently towards law enforcement officials because of this, then that causes a different reaction, which further prejudices the community and further biases their behavior in future interactions, which stimulates further LEO prejudices and stereo-types which influences their behavior ...and its a viscous downward spiral.

To be clear, Im not saying it should or that it justifies unequal policing, but I am saying flawed human nature being what it is - it does.

I don't know what point Im even hoping to make. I want things to be better but dont know how to help. I hope someone smarter than I comes along with some systemic answers...
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