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Old 07-28-2020, 05:05 PM   #26253
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: North Carolina
Originally Posted by BishopMVP View Post
I think we're good enough here to do it without devolving into racism, but there is something to that Hispanic number and we're seeing the same thing in Charlotte. I don't know if part is the language barrier and messaging isn't getting through effectively to that community, I don't know if it's as simple as many first/second generation immigrants work lower paying jobs where they need to be present instead of ones they can work from home, and I think part might be tied up in the cultural (and economic) idea that you see a lot more multi-generational households just like you did in Spain & Italy. Though interestingly the surge in positive tests has been among younger Hispanic adults, and hasn't shown up in the fatality rates (though of the 194 deaths so far over half were tied to two nursing home outbreaks with predominantly white clientele.)

A few months ago, I was in line in front of a Hispanic woman at a bakery. And everyone in line was wearing masks and distancing. And the whole thing was so new that we were all talking about it.

And she said that when she was at "White places" like this bakery (her words), everyone was wearing masks. But at the Hispanic grocery store, she was the only one with a mask, and everyone kept asking her why and if she had Coronavirus. She said that everyone thought she was weird.

One random anecdote, so take it for what it is worth. But there might just be some deep cultural differences going on.
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