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Old 07-31-2020, 09:45 AM   #28
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Jacksonville, FL
This shiteth has hitteth the fan

So to make a long story short an Atheltic Association made up of two local high school's ADs and baseball coaches has been created. They approached one of our competitor leagues about merging us and them under their umbrella. The competitor is a travel organization of about 300 kids and we're a Cal Ripken org. of about 1000 kids REC and All Stars. The travel organization didn't really have a choice and nested under the new Association without push back. Our association isn't going without a fight.

The Pres, VP, and Treauserer all have kids heading into these schools and want to play baseball so they're feeling a lot of pressure whether explicit or implicit to push this merger through. The Pres. was for it out of the gates. The VP and Treasurer not so much. They asked a lot of deep questions and want to be sure that any decision is right for our association and the pressure built up. This has been in discussion for 4-6 months as they continue a deep dive into the intracacies, making them ask questions of it, preparing stuff on paper, etc.

Anyways, so the Pres. is outgoing anyways and watched the discussion of this go over like a lead balloon but then reported back to the take over guys that the VP and Treasurer were standing in their way. Thrown under the bus. Well yesterday, under insurmountable pressure the VP, quit and stated that he wouldnm't run for president either. Then through a series of events the treasurer quit too and wont run for a board position.

I learned this morning that the reason for the mass quittings was that some of the other smaller positioned people viewed this as an opportunity to mutiny the board and take over. The current board members (about 30 years of experience collectively for no pay) threw their hands up and said you want it, fine, here you go. The issue I foresee is not that new blood is needed. It is as these guys kids were all graduating out of the league. The issue is not there'll be little to no transition and I don't know that the new guys will be able to keep this thing going.

What a shit show. No, I'm not doing anything higher than commissioner of my 2 age groups. I don't know that I'd have the votes anyways as I didn't politick much.

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