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Old 08-11-2020, 11:53 AM   #149
The Jackal
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: New Hampshire
so, looking at things from last night, it seems to me more likely that Telle is telling the truth and made a risky (i.e. could be nailing an inactive seer unintentionally) VV decision, and I can't fault self preservation even if you may want to genuinely make the sacrifice as a VV in this small a game. Plus, it's nice having people alive that participate!

that said it's not out of the realm of possibility that she was slow playing it -- render had less to be concerned about because of the oldest vote being on telle, but I likely would have expected an earlier fake reveal from a wolf on the chopping block, rather than waiting until the last 5-10 minutes to plea for pushing onto someone inactive. I see both sides of things, but at the moment I lean towards VV naivety.
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