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Old 08-19-2020, 01:29 PM   #35
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
1. Lead responsibly. I.e., tell people the truth as much as possible, limit demagoguery, etc. Nothing else a leader does matters if they can't be trusted.


3. Climate change and along with it pushing us towards a more global way of addressing problems as much as can be possible. Nuclear power, get us out of coal by any means necessary, stop exporting plastic to Asia, etc. Edward will love this, but I'll say it anyway - this means not concerning ourselves overly with rivalries with Russia, China, etc. That's playing the finite game. Play the infinite game.

4. Appoint SCOTUS justices who know backwards and forwards what the rule of law is and didn't forget any of the important parts. Nothing else we do domestically matters if you don't maintain the integrity of the judiciary.

5. Rebuild public trust. There's a limited amount a president can do, but restaffing gov't positions, reasonable police reforms, fiscal policy that takes putting us on path to being debt-free seriously, those types of things that are generally anti-abuse of government power.

Last edited by Brian Swartz : 08-19-2020 at 01:29 PM.
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