Thread: 2020 MLB thread
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Old 08-28-2020, 09:37 AM   #647
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Originally Posted by molson View Post
But don't a lot of people not like those things? Are they hypocrites too? They don't want those politics in that particular forum.

I guess that was kindof my point. When someone says "keep your politics out of my sports", it's never the national anthem or the military except as a rebuttal to someone talking about kneeling or "stick to dribbling" or whatever. I mean, you can probably find someone stringently arguing for it somewhere because the world and the internet are a big place. But it's definitely not anywhere close to a mainstream view, whereas "get your political boycott/kneeling/activism talk" is very prevalent. Then again, you cover that in your next point.

The point of all of these expressed politics and protests is to push a message to a audience who isn't there for that message, to broaden the reach of the message. That just good politicking and protesting. It's a part of free society. You can be annoyed or not but they have every right to do it.

I do kind of wonder about the growing idea that it's wrong to try to avoid it, or to not participate, or express annoyance of it. That choosing to say, "I don't want politics in this particular forum" is itself a type of privilege, because being able to choose whether or not to care about this stuff is a choice for some, and not all. And that's true. But I'm positive that the privilege police also take breaks sometimes. They shut off Facebook. They go away for the weekend. They read a book. They choose to not utilize Facebook, or not utilize it to express politics. This is all becoming a battling ground. I've seen posts about how people are noticing their friends' silence and how will impact their relationships forever. I think they mean sharing of Facebook memes, when of course, that just isn't everyone's chosen battleground to help change the world in a positive way. I deal in criminal justice issues all day, I admit I prefer friends' dog and family and vacation photos on Facebook, and scroll past most of the politics. I would never admit that to anyone I know though. New social rules are being written right now, and different people are developing different lines and boundaries. Which I'm sure is part of the point.

Don't really disagree with any of this and I don't know where it's going either.

One of my wife's favorite Onion articles (after this one, of course, as she's an editor) is: "Woman Takes Short Half-Hour Break From Being Feminist To Enjoy TV Show".

But I think there's a lot of daylight between not being 100% committed to an activism cause every moment of every day, passively accepting what has always been, and actively reinforcing the problematic environment. I think a good argument can be made that David Duke is worse than the guy who tells racist jokes at work is worse than the guy who buys in a mostly white suburb is worse than the guy who is active for "only" 10 hours a week in social organizations that make a positive impact in the community. There's some measure in hypocrisy about all of those situations but if the world were made up of just the last person, the world would be a lot better place.

It sounds a lot like "perfect being the enemy of very good" as an excuse to keep "bad"

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Freakazoid: "That's because we make lots of things better than other people!"

Last edited by sterlingice : 08-28-2020 at 09:37 AM.
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