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Old 09-23-2020, 03:22 AM   #18
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001
Originally Posted by Brian Swartz View Post
I don't think any revolution happens - nowhere near enough people really care enough. People aren't willing to disrupt their comfortable lives for things like that

Agree on this. We ignore so much suffering collectively because we're comfortable, and a massive number of people who are in a "struggling to downright suffering" class are fine as long as they have black people to hate. So we're probably not going to see a revolution.

** I'd be happy to go into the long history of our wealthy class pitting poor whites against poor blacks so they don't join together to tear down the wealthy if need be.

Honestly though, there are more than enough Americans suffering for revolution, and the wage and income gaps get worse faster and faster. This is something that I don't think we're ready for now, but if we don't put the breaks on things enough to raise the standard of living for folks on the edge (think folks who lose medicaid if they get a raise, etc... putting food on the table, but one medical problem = bankruptcy, and "bettering themselves" actually causes more suffering, etc) and the middle class, in 10-15 years I wonder if we could build up to a boiling point.

I'd still bet against it, but the level of greed by the ruling class today is pretty hard to imagine.
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