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Old 11-05-2020, 03:57 PM   #27
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
Originally Posted by jbergey22 View Post
The attitude of society has shifted a lot of the past few years.

It doesnt appear to be the "work hard to achieve your dreams" attitude anymore. The attitude has shifted to "You have the god given right to be great no matter how hard you work"

If that doesnt fall in line.... Lets blame someone else.

This also falls into the chicken or the egg debate. People(in general) seem to think everyone should be born with equal opportunity. Its just never been the case as far back as caveman days so fighting about it will accomplish nothing.

I'm more optimistic than you, don't think it's that bad.

There are many recent polls (from 2016) that show majority (60-70%)still believe in the "work hard to achieve the American dream". Googled on "poll work hard american dream". FWIW, willing to bet first gen immigrants will poll even higher.
While most Americans, 70%, continue to view the American dream as personally achievable, 29% tell Gallup that even by working hard and playing by the rules, the American dream is unattainable for them. The latter figure represents a slight increase from 25% in 2009, when Gallup last asked Americans this question.
21. For you personally, is the American Dream ...
Alive and well.............................................................27%
Alive, but under threat................................................37%
Under serious threat, but there’s still hope................28%
Dead ............................................................................7%
23. Do you believe that today the American Dream can be achieved by anyone in the United States if they work hard?

By and large, people felt that that their actions and hard work—not outside forces—were the deciding factor in how their lives turned out.

Poll: Americans Share Their Views On Income Inequality : Shots - Health News : NPR
While the vast majority of the top 1% say they've achieved the American Dream, similar majorities of low- and middle-income people believe the American Dream is still within reach.
There was remarkable agreement among the income groups that hard work is seen as very important in being economically successful in America today. That's despite research showing that factors such as family income, neighborhood and race/ethnicity are closely tied to economic achievement.

Americans Say Hard Work And Resiliency Are The Most Important Factors In Success, Ahead Of The Economy And Government Policies
Nearly two-thirds of Americans (63 percent) believe they are living the American Dream, compared with 59 percent in March 2011.
More Americans (57 percent in 2009 to 64 percent in 2016) believe that determination and hard work are the most important success factors
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