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Old 11-09-2020, 07:56 PM   #7827
Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: Bloomington, IN
Originally Posted by sterlingice View Post
I dunno - I think radicalization is a real danger. But I'm certain that was already happening.


I also agree with this 100%. I think it's a coin flip between mass radicalization and the party splintering itself into its own set of purity tests.

I had conservative friends whose judgment I would have otherwise trusted posting articles from The Gateway Pundit on social media today. I'm talking educated people who should be able to track down reliable source data and interpret it.

And I'm like, "What the fuck are you thinking?"

The problem is, I've seen this shit before. My ex-wife was bipolar. I got pretty accustomed to dealing with someone who had a labile grip on reality. What I'm seeing right now reminds me so much of that long, slow slide into delusion that is simultaneously a slow-motion sort of inevitable slide and an explosive collapse of reason all at once. I used to say to my ex, "Hey, I'm worried about you. Hey, you seem to be making some decisions that are out of character for you. Hey, you don't seem to be thinking clearly. Hey, I made an appointment with your psychiatrist. I think you should all have a chat." And then out of nowhere it's, "Oh, you broke into a drug dealer's house and stole his car to protect the kids in the neighborhood."

This feels a lot like that. I think the right has been going slowly crazy for the last four years, and now they're about to have their psychotic break.
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