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Old 11-19-2020, 07:25 PM   #6824
Head Coach
Join Date: Dec 2009
You know what's dumb? That the CDC is NOW making statmeents telling people not to travel....instead of oh I don't know...a month ago. Why? because they were forbidden to by Trump and Pets so they could do their pet rallies. Their statements seriously mean nothing. Anyone who is smart won't travel and anyone who is stupid will. Thanksgiving is a joke of a holiday. It's a feed your face fest. Anyone can go to Kroger or costco and pick up a readybaked Turjkey with all the fixins and watch each other chew with their mouth open, drink a bottle of wine, say embarrassing things on zoom. This forced togetherness of the holidays has always been just really dumb....on the does speak that if a holiday has to fortce you to see your family maybe there's a of which no one gets along the other being you are lazy and don't go home often enough. But either way doing so now is more of a punishment for all than usual.
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